机构地区: 广东海洋大学农学院
出 处: 《林业资源管理》 2007年第2期77-81,共5页
摘 要: 特呈岛的红树林资源,尤其是其中的白骨壤古树群,是我国珍稀的海岸自然资源,有重要的自然资源保护与利用价值。通过古树复壮、生长环境优化、园林规划与生态旅游等措施的实施,该红树林资源得到了有效保护,并已成为湛江生态旅游的新亮点;通过研究获得了白骨壤果实的初试产品“榄钱果”、“榄钱豆”,表明进行资源有效开发利用能取得资源保护与资源利用双赢的效果。 The mangrove, especially the old tree population of Aviccenia marina in Techeng Isle, is one of the very precious coastal natural resources in China and highly significant both in their conservation and utilization. It is protected effectively through activities of recovering the old trees, improvement of the growing environments, gardening design and ecotourism, and it becomes a new ecotourism site of Zhanjiang. The successful lab food products made of the fruits of Aviccenia marina from the Isle, Lan - Qian - Guo and Lan - Qian - Dou, show the potential double wins both in conservation and utilization of the coastal natural resources.