作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南师范大学教育科学学院
出 处: 《外国教育研究》 2007年第4期48-52,共5页
摘 要: 美国州政府遵从“政教分离”和“儿童受益”原则,对义务教育阶段私立学校进行资助。其内容包括以提供交通服务、教科书为主的服务性资助和以减税、发放教育券为主的鼓励教育选择的资助。政府资助私立学校以服务性资助为主,但鼓励教育选择的资助逐渐增加;实行分类资助,但主要资助非营利性私立学校;在资助的同时加强对私立学校的管理。 According to the principles of separation of church and state and child-benefit,State governments of United States provide two types of assistance to private schools in compulsory education. One is service assistant, including transportation service and the loan of textbooks;the other is educational choice assistant,including taxrelief and vouchers. The former is the primary type,but the amount of the latter is increasing. Aid is provided to different types of private schools,but primarily to non-profit ones. When private schools receive state governmental aid,in the time state goverments strengthen management to them.