机构地区: 贵州省发酵工程与生物制药重点实验室
出 处: 《中国酿造》 2007年第5期27-31,共5页
摘 要: 啤酒废酵母自溶后的蛋白溶液经提纯、除杂、脱色等工艺可以得到一种以多肽为主要组分的蛋白水解液,试验结果表明,啤酒废酵母自溶的最佳条件为pH值6.0,温度45℃,NaC1用量4.0%,自溶时间60h,氨基酸态氮含量为405mg/100mL。除杂最佳条件是将酵母蛋白液pH值调至2.5,离心(3000r/min)5min,此时,核酸去除率为13.59%。脱色最佳工艺条件是将自溶蛋白液pH调至6.5,以2mL/min流速流经装有活性炭的离子柱(30 mm×300mm),脱色率达到69.57%。 The protein hydrolyzate with the main constituent ofpeptide was obtainded through extraction, refining and decoloration from waste beer yeast autolysis. The results of orthogonal test and ghmonofactorial test showed that the optimal conditions for beer yeast analysis were as follows: pH at 6.0, at 45℃ for 60 h and 4.0% NaC1. The content of amino acid nitrogen was 405 mg/100ml. The removal rate of nucleic acid was 13.59% at optimal condition for extraction: pH at 2.5 and centrifugation at 3000 r/min for 5 rain. The decoloration rate was 69.57% when pH the protein analysis was ajusted to 6.5 and purified through ion column (30 mm×300mm) at the speed of 2 ml/min.