机构地区: 福建林学院
出 处: 《福建林学院学报》 1990年第4期344-349,共6页
摘 要: 根据福建22种主要用材树种远红外吸收光谱分析,木材分子结构径向与弦向基本相同,不同树种之间也无明显差别。从木材远红外吸收光谱得到木材远红外吸收峰在波数为3400cm^(-1)、740cm^(-1)、600cm^(-1)处,在800~1500cm^(-1)处有连续吸收峰,在波数为1840cm^(-1)附近有一个透射峰。提高木材远红外干燥的效率和质量的一个重要因素是增加远红外对木材的透射深度,以增加形成“正热源”的可能性。因此本研究为木材远红外干燥提供了重要的基准和依据。 Fujian's 22 varieties were selected for analyzing the far infra-red absorption spectra and the maximum absoption peaks and pentrating depth for the timber. There were no obvious differences between the wood' s tangential section and radial section, and no evident differences among the tree species. From the wood's far infra-red spectrum,we got several maximum absorption peaks in 3400 cm, 740 cm and 600cm wave number. We also got a maximum pe-ntrating peak in 1840 cm wave number. To improve the wood's far infra-red drying's efficiency and quanlity, the best way was to increas the depth of wood' s far infra-red pentration so that the possibility of forming 'positive heat source' was raised,This study offered an important standard and criterion for wood' s far infra-red drying.