机构地区: 仲恺农业技术学院继续教育学院
出 处: 《成人教育》 2007年第5期67-68,共2页
摘 要: 成人高等教育在创建学习型社会中应担当起主力军的作用,应结合成人高等教育的特点,分析当前成人高等教育学籍管理中存在的问题,改革和完善学籍管理的办法,使成人教育更加适应社会主义市场经济,为社会培养更多的合格人才。 Adult higher education serves as locomotive in developing a learning society. It' s on basis of the adults' needs, some ways to improve and reform the registry management are put forward by analyzing the problems in the administration of present adult higher education. Thus the adult education can adjust to the socialist market economy, and more qualified personnel for the society can be raised.