机构地区: 上海理工大学
出 处: 《计算机工程与设计》 2007年第7期1702-1704,共3页
摘 要: 热物理研究中,用光学测量法测量温度场为佳,但光学测量法中从干涉条纹图像提取等温线往往是手工完成的,精度和效率低。因此,借鉴前人计算机处理干涉条纹图像的经验,研究了一套针对热物理研究中用计算机实现提取干涉条纹中心线(即等温线)的方法。针对热物理温度场图像的特点,着重在噪声消除和断裂毛刺修补[8]方面提出了改进,实验结果证明,此方法能较好地测绘出温度变化后的温度场分布情况,使条纹更光顺。 In thermo-physical field, optic method is often used in measuring temperature distribution. But currently in the method, distilling the isotherm from interferometry fringe image are handmade. To fit thermo-physical field, a method of distilling the isotherm with computer is put forward based on previous people' experience on handling interferometry fringes. And it focuses to promote in noise elimination and restore of rupture and burr. Eventually, the method indeed makes results better in the experiment.
领 域: [自动化与计算机技术] [自动化与计算机技术]