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Relationship between Modules and Soil Nutrient Factors of Cycas fairylakea Population

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 孝感学院

出  处: 《东北林业大学学报》 2007年第4期22-24,55,共4页

摘  要: 采用典型相关分析法探讨仙湖苏铁种群构件与土壤养分因子的相关性,结果表明:有机质、全氮、速效磷等土壤养分因子与成熟叶长度、成熟叶健康指数、幼叶叶片数、幼叶长度、幼叶健康指数等构件指标之间相关关系显著;又进一步对不同龄级种群的土壤营养条件及构件生长状况进行分析,结果表明:土壤有机质、全氮、速效磷对幼叶叶片数存在显著影响,当土壤有机质、全氮、速效磷等指标值越大,则越有利于幼叶的产生;研究结果也显示了不同龄级的种群构件均生长严重不良,必须采取相应措施予以保护,以防止种群濒危程度的加剧。 The canonical correlation analysis was used to study the correlations between soil nutrient factors and modules of Cycas fairylakea population. Results show that organic matter, total nitrogen, and readily available phosphorus are significantly correlated with these modules, such as length of mature leaf, health index of mature leaf, and number of young leaf, length of young leaf and health index of young leaf. Analysis of soil factors and modules indicates that number of young leaf is affected by organic matter, total nitrogen and readily available phosphorus. The number of young leaf increases with organic matter, total nitrogen, and readily available phosphorus increasing. However the result also shows that the modules of populations of different age classes are in bad conditions, so some measures should be taken to protect the populations and to prevent its further endangering.

关 键 词: 仙湖苏铁种群 构件 土壤养分因子 典型相关分析

领  域: [农业科学]




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