机构地区: 河北理工大学冶金与能源学院
出 处: 《钢铁研究学报》 2007年第4期44-46,94,共4页
摘 要: 采用润滑轧制,在不同压下率、终轧温度及退火制度下,研究了IF钢铁素体区热轧时,不同工艺参数对IF钢深冲性能的影响。结果表明:在实验范围内,随压下率增加,r值提高;终轧温度下降,r值略微增加;高温退火可使变形铁素体充分再结晶,从而提高r值。ODF织构分析结果与检测结果是一致的。 The effect of technology data for different reduction, different rolling temperature and annealing temperature on ferrite-region hot rolling of IF steel was researched under the condition of lubrication. The results show that the r-value increase with increasing the reduction, the r-value increases slightly with decreasing the finishing temperature, and the full recrystallization of deformed ferrite can be obtained by high temperature annealing hence r-value is increased . ODF texture analysis result is consistent with the mealsured one.