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Preliminary Study on Medium for Dioscorea opposita Tissue Sapling Growing

作  者: ; ; ; (王长龙);

机构地区: 揭阳职业技术学院

出  处: 《安徽农业科学》 2007年第9期2561-2561,2565,共2页

摘  要: 探讨淮山药组培苗假植的适宜基质,结果显示:不同基质对淮山药组培苗生长的影响不同,以处理Ⅰ生长最好,即泥炭土5∶珍珠岩3∶河沙2配比的基质较为适宜。 In this paper the approppriate mediuma for heeling in Dioscorea opposita tissue sapling growing was mainly studied. Dioscorea opposita tissuecultivated saplings were adopted to heel in five different media and their results were compared.The preliminary study on the root length, plant height and survival rate showed that Dioscorea opposita tissue sapling growing was influenced by its medium and the Handling Way I was the best. When the medium for heeling in Dioscorea opposita tissue sapling growing was chased, the proportion of peat soil, perlite and fluvial sand had better be 5 : 3 : 2.

关 键 词: 淮山药 组培苗 假植基质 生长

领  域: [生物学]


作者 管彩虹


机构 广州城市职业学院


作者 丁培强
作者 徐松林
作者 徐枫
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