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Ellipse filter in f-k domain and its application

作  者: ; (张汝杰);

机构地区: 石油地球物理勘探局研究院072750

出  处: 《石油地球物理勘探》 1996年第5期724-728,共5页

摘  要: 本文提出在f-k域中算子形态为椭圆形的滤波器。该滤波器与传统的二维滤波器相比,具有不存在尖点、一阶和二阶导数连续的特性,并且是解析的。同时,给出了该滤波器在实际资料处理中的应用实例。即在扩大的共反射面元上把相邻几个NMO道集组成的大道集以特定的方式重新排列,再通过f-k域椭圆滤波,使干扰波得到压制。实际资料处理结果表明,这种方法在提高资料信噪比的同时,还较好地保持了反射信息的波形特征和振幅特征。 We design a new filter whose operator is elliptic in f-k domain. The new filter,being different from usual two-dimensional filters, is characterized by no sharp apex,analytics,continuous first order and second order derivatives. Application examles of the filter in data processing are given in the paper. To speak in detail, the adjacent NMO trace gathers in an enlarged common--reflection bin are combined intoone big NMO trace gather,in which traces are rearranged in a special way jthen ellipse filtering in f-k domain is applied to the big NMO trace gathers to express noises. Real data processing shows that the filtering method not only raises signal/noise ratio of seismic data but also preserves waveform and amplitude characteristics ofreflection signals.

关 键 词: 滤波器 信噪比 地震波 地震勘探

领  域: [天文地球] [天文地球]


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