机构地区: 中南大学外国语学院
出 处: 《湖南科技学院学报》 2007年第3期186-188,共3页
摘 要: 英语语音是掌握英语必不可少的一项技能,然而,目前大学英语语音教学存在着严重的问题,大部分高校并未开设任何形式的语音课,这严重影响了高校英语教学的质量。本文从湖南省各高校英语语音教学的现状出发,运用调查、问卷、分析、综合等科研方法,详细分析了湖南高校公外学生在语音方面存在的问题,要求英语教育者和学习者摆脱认识上的误区,重视语音教学的重要性,并在大一学生中开设专门的语音课或进行短期语音培训作为中学英语和大学英语的过渡,为提高大学英语的教学质量作出贡献。 The importance of English phonetics and phonology in English learning is acknowledged, There exist serious problems in current College Phonetics Teaching, and most universities even don't offer a course in phonetic teaching, which greatly influences the quality of College English Teaching. Based on the current phonetic teaching situations in Hunan Province, this paper presents the problems in English phonetic learning by means of interview, questionnaire, analytic and synthetic analysis, calling for English teachers and learners to cast off the views of misunderstanding, and to pay attention to the importance of phonetic teaching and learning, such as offering a phonetic training course for freshmen, so as to propose some feasible suggestions for College English Teaching.
领 域: [文化科学]