作 者: ;
机构地区: 广州大学人文学院中文系
出 处: 《上海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2007年第2期46-52,共7页
摘 要: 王国维论词标举“境界”,“境界”的实质在一“真”字。然而好的文学,应该是“真”、“善”、“美”的统一,即除了求“真”、求“善”,还应求“美”,“境界说”显然是有缺陷的。顾随论词标举“高致”,“高致”的实质是在肯定“境界”、肯定“真”字的前提下,强调“善”字,强调“美”字,即既要“立诚”,又要有“心行”,又要有“文采”。“高致说”是对“境界说”的一个重要补充,是对20世纪词学理论的一个重要贡献。 Wang Guowei advanced Jingjie, a new theory of Ci . The essence of Jingjie is the true. As the excellent literary works should seek unity of the true, the good and the beautiful, the theory of Jingjie has obvious drawbacks. Gu Sui advanced theory of Ggaozhi. Under the premise of approving Jingjie, he not only emphasized the true, the good and the beautiful, but also emphasized self - cultivation and rich colors. Gu Sui' s theory of Gaozhi complemented Wang Guowei' s theory of Jingjie.
领 域: [文学]