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Taiwan's Feminist Writer LI Ang

作  者: ;

机构地区: 汕头大学文学院台港暨海外华文文学研究中心

出  处: 《晋阳学刊》 2007年第2期119-123,共5页

摘  要: 李昂的作品是台湾女性主义文学中的一朵奇葩。她文笔犀利,目光敏锐,理性训练充分,行文切中社会热点问题。作为女性,她坚持不懈地致力于自身性别的反思、自省和潜力的挖掘;作为作家,她积极参与人类精神事业的探索,关注文明变迁中人的存在境况。李昂的女性写作始终存在一种理性的自觉,相比之下,其他作家的女性主义创作总让人感到她们的抒写与她们的人生是同构的,她们笔下的人物与她们本人有着不期然的同样的命运。李昂对女性问题的描写与前辈女作家的差异还表现在,她除了关切女性在整个社会制度中婚姻爱情方面的遭遇外,更注重揭示女性隐秘的内心世界,特别是女性对“性”的认知、压抑、沉沦与抗争。因此,李昂也成为极富争议的女作家。 Li Ang's are the cream of Taiwan's feminist literary works. With sharp eyes and keen sensibility, she has uncompromisingly tackled the hot issues in Taiwan. As a woman, Li remains committed to the reflection of gender issues, and to the exploration of women's potentials. As a writer, Li steadfastly searches the nature of human spirit and is much concerned with human existence in the course of civilization. Always present is Li's conscious rationalism in her works, while, in comparison, her predecessors invariably represent characters who share a similar fate in their existence with the writers. Another manifested feature of Li Ang's works is that,besides representing women's problems and struggles in their love relations and marriages in Taiwan, she always focuses upon the mysterious inner world of women, whose cognition, repression, frnstration, and struggles about "sex" are issues Li particularly articulates, hence Li has been a writer of great controversy.

关 键 词: 李昂 台湾女性主义 作家 性别 重构女性话语

领  域: [文学]


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机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 香港中文大学


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