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Preliminary studies on the morphology and ecology of A. intermedius in Yan′an of Shaanxi province

作  者: ;

机构地区: 陕西师范大学生命科学学院

出  处: 《陕西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2007年第1期87-89,共3页

摘  要: 对2006年8月采自陕西延安的16条中介蝮(Agkistrodon intermedius)标本的形态特征及生态习性进行了初步研究.结果表明,这些中介蝮标本的头体长为310 ~557mm,中段背鳞多数为23行,少数为22或25;腹鳞+尾下鳞为193~207,平均199.4±5.0.生态习性方面,它们主要见于农田及农舍附近,食物为田鼠、麻雀、蜥蜴等见于其生境的小型动物.基于3个香紫苏(Salvia Sclare L.)地样方调查的种群密度约为24.39/km^2,性别比(♂/♀)约为9:1. The morphology and ecology of Agkistrodon interrnedius in Yan'an, Shaanxi province was preliminarily studied through sixteen samples, which was collected during august 2006. The results showed that their snout-vent length was 310~557 mm. the mid-body dorsal scales of the most samples were 23, with the minor of 22 or 25 rows. Number of ventrals plus subcaudal scales was 193 to207, with an average number of 199.4±5.0. As to the ecology, they were mainly seen in the farmland and around the farmhouse, while their food consisted of field mouse, sparrow and lizard, all were small animals living in the habitat. The population density surveyed by quadrat sampling method of three clary sage fields was 24.39/km^2, and the sex ratio ( ♂/♀ ) was approximately 9: 1.

关 键 词: 中介蝮 形态特征 生态习性

领  域: [生物学]




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