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Effects of Laccase Treatment on Tensile Strength of Unbleached Kraft Pulp and Surface of Fiber

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 天津科技大学

出  处: 《林产化学与工业》 2007年第1期47-51,共5页

摘  要: 探讨了漆酶处理对未漂硫酸盐浆抗张强度的影响,研究了漆酶处理的主要工艺参数对纸页湿抗张强度的影响;并采用扫描电镜(SEM)对漆酶处理前后纤维表面微细结构的变化进行了研究。结果表明,漆酶可以改善纸浆的湿抗张强度,但对于抗张强度不起作用;提高纸浆湿强度的最佳酶促反应条件为:酶用量16U(以每克绝干浆计),温度45℃,pH值4.5,处理时间2h。扫描电镜分析表明,漆酶处理使得纤维表面变得粗糙,纤维之间产生了黏结性,湿强度得以提高。 The effects of laccase treatment on tensile strength of unbleached kraft pulp and surface of fiber were discussed and the optimal reaction conditions (such as laccase dosage, temperature, pH value and reaction time) of improving wet tensile strength were determined by experiments. In addition, scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) was used to observe the surface of the laccase-treated fibers. The results showed that laccase could improve wet-strength obviously, however, had no effect on dry-strength. The inactivated laccase treatment resulted no change of tensile strength. The optimal enzymatic treatment conditions of improving the wet strength were: laccase dosage 16 U for 1 g pulp, temperature 45℃ ,pH value 4.5 and reaction time 2 h. Inspection of the treated fibers iundem a scanning electron microscopy revealed that the smooth surface of original fiber became rough and loose after laccase treatment. The auto-adhesion between fibers occurred, which contributes to enhancing the wet-strength of pulp.

关 键 词: 漆酶 未漂硫酸盐浆 湿抗张强度 扫描电镜

领  域: [化学工程] [轻工技术与工程]




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