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A Study on Dynamic Change of Blood Pyruvic Acid and Lactic Acid for Lad during the Exercise when Load Increase by Degree

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 河北工程大学

出  处: 《广州体育学院学报》 2007年第1期111-115,共5页

摘  要: 目的,从人体跑台递增负荷运动整体水平观察丙酮酸和乳酸在血液中的变化,及高运动强度下丙酮酸的变化,为进一步研究运动中代谢规律提供实验参考。方法:体育学院足球队的学生15人为运动组,非体育学院一直坚持锻炼的学生15人为对照组。跑台上,在安静时及最大摄氧量的45%、55%、65%、75%、85%、95%强度负荷末抽取肘前静脉血测试血乳酸和丙酮酸值,对于自愿参加递增负荷到力竭测试的受试者在运动结束前再测血液的pH值。结果:对照组乳酸阈出现在65%~75%最大摄氧量之间,运动组出现在75%~85%最大摄氧量之间。自愿参加递增负荷到力竭的跑台试验的受试者中,有5名在85%~95%最大摄氧量出现了丙酮酸的突增点,在力竭时的pH值平均为7.206,乳酸为10.94mmol。结论:通过人体跑台整体实验说明,丙酮酸在整个运动过程中缓慢释放入血。当pH值为7.206,乳酸为10.94mmol时,可能是丙酮酸外流出肌细胞膜而大量进入血液的条件。 To inspect the change of pyruvic acid and the lactic acid in blood from the human body and the pyruvic acid change under the high movement intensity, from observing through the process of load increase by degree. Method: Extracts 15 specialized soccer's team members for the movement group, frequently participate in exercise non - athlete 15 named contrast group. Run on treat-mill, maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) intensity of 45%, 55%, 65%, 75%, 85%, 95% increased by degree of the load, then extract the elbow vein blood to test lactic acid and pyruvic acid at each level of the end of loads. The volunteers who participate in load increase by degree to exhaust test the blood pH value again before the exercise end. Result: The control group's lactic acid threshold piles up in the blood appears 65% - 75%O2 max, the movement group appears 75% - 85% O2 max. 5 in the volunteers between 85% - 95% VO2max appears the sharp point of pyruvic acid, and the biggest load pH value is 7.206; the average lactic acid value was 10.94mmol. Conclusions: Through these experiments we conclude that pyruvic acid slowly enters the blood in the entire movement process. Movement group blood pyruvic acid throughout maintains the low level compares the comparison group. When the pH value is 7.206 and lactic acid is more than 10.94mmol/L, there might be phenomenon that pyruvic acid leave cell membrane to release into the blood substantially.

关 键 词: 乳酸 丙酮酸 跑台

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 傅冰玲
作者 李启坤
作者 陈亚楠
作者 胡明珠
作者 郭均


机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学体育科学学院
机构 中山大学岭南学院
机构 韶关学院物理与机电工程学院
机构 广东体育职业技术学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟