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Analysis of Factors Affecting Dominant Resonant Frequency of Eggs with Grey Relative Theory

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 浙江机电职业技术学院电子信息工程系

出  处: 《食品科学》 2007年第1期29-32,共4页

摘  要: 用冲击振动的方法来检测禽蛋裂纹和评价品质时,由于禽蛋质量、蛋壳强度、蛋形指数以及禽蛋比重等因素都影响冲击响应主频率,且各因素与响应主频率之间的关系呈非线性,用传统方法难以处理。本文应用灰色关联方法,计算了鸡蛋冲击响应主频率与影响因素之间的灰色关联度,并进行了理论分析。结果表明:影响因素与主频率的灰色关联序为蛋壳强度>鸡蛋质量>蛋形指数>鸡蛋比重,表明蛋壳强度、鸡蛋质量是影响鸡蛋冲击响应特性的主要因素。灰色关联方法为分析响应主频率与影响因素之间的关系提供了一种有效的综合分析新方法。 When using nondestructive acoustic impulse response method to assess physical qualities of eggs and check cracks of eggshell, it can be found that there are lots of factors affecting dominant resonant frequency, such as eggshell strength, egg-shaped index, egg weight, and egg specific gravity. Furthermore, the relationship among these factors and dominant resonant frequency is non-linear and it is difficult to analyze the relationship among them through conventional regression method. In the paper, the grey relative coefficient among the dominant frequency and affecting factors of eggs are calculated with the grey relative theory. As shown in the results, the order of grey relative degree is as follows: eggshell strength, egg weight, egg-shaped index, and egg specific gravity. From the results, conclusion can be drawn that eggshell strength is the first important affecting factor, and the egg weight is the second, while the factor of egg specific gravity only affects the dominant resonant frequency slightly. In brief, the presented grey relative theory can provide a new way for comprehensive analysis of the relationship among dominant frequency and affecting factors.

关 键 词: 禽蛋 灰色理论 影响因素 灰色关联度

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]


作者 郑尊信
作者 黄锦霞
作者 杨少文
作者 赵妮
作者 范振国


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院


作者 李振义
作者 吴晨
作者 张琳
作者 丁培强
作者 吴肖林