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The V type neck fashioning method of cardigans

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 西安工程大学

出  处: 《针织工业》 2007年第1期29-31,共3页

摘  要: 在普通横机上编织毛衫V形领圈常见的方法有收针法、拷针法、套针收针结合法和落梳收针法等。除落梳收针法之外,其他几种方法形成的领圈在装领之前都需要经过裁剪、钩线头等处理,这既造成了高档原料的浪费,又在一定程度上影响了毛衫的生产效率和质量;而落梳收针法虽省去裁剪、钩线头等处理,却需要落梳操作和调整牵拉重锤,这又需要比较长的编织时间。文中在与这几种编织方法比较的基础上,针对某些组织结构的毛衫给出了一种编织V形领圈的新方法——换梭收针法,弥补了以上编织方法的不足。 The common methods for knitting the V type necks on the common flat knitting machine include narrowing,press-off,combination of narrowing point and narrowing,comb drop narrowing,and so on.Besides the comb drop narrowing method,the necks formed by other methods must undergo cutting and thread take-off processes before they are mounted,which not only results in the waste of high class raw materials but also influences the production efficiency and product quality.Although the processes of cutting and thread take-off can be omitted for the comb drop narrowing method,it needs to carry on the operation of removing the comb and adjust the draw-off weight,which will consume a lot of time.Based on the comparison of these knitting methods and in allusion to some structures of cardigans,this paper introduces a new method for the V type neck fashioning,i.e.,shuttle change narrowing,which overcomes the disadvantages of the above-mentioned methods.

关 键 词: 毛衫 形领圈 成形编织 换梭收针法

领  域: [轻工技术与工程] [轻工技术与工程]


作者 朱卫华


机构 东莞职业技术学院


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