作 者: ; ; ; ; (李汝杰); (齐秀兰); (侯晓柱);
机构地区: 中国林业科学研究院林业研究所国家林业局林木培育重点实验室
出 处: 《南京林业大学学报(自然科学版)》 2007年第1期51-54,共4页
摘 要: 系统研究了影响川西云杉扦插繁殖的几种因素,包括枝条类型、采穗枝条部位、清水浸泡时间、采穗母株年龄、单株试验、激素处理。研究结果表明:川西云杉不同单株插穗生根能力存在较大差异。500 mg/kgIBA处理1 h和200 mg/kg IBA处理5 h促进川西云杉硬枝插条生根的效果最佳,生根率分别达到88.1%和81.0%;生根率、平均生根数母株年龄间差异不显著;Ⅰ级侧枝和Ⅱ级枝侧枝的生根率显著大于Ⅱ级顶枝。母株枝条的平均生根数在上、下部枝条间存在着显著差异。将川西云杉在云南香格里拉秋季进行硬枝扦插,插后35 d穗条已基本愈合,45-60 d、90-100 d为生根高峰期。 The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of several factors on rooting of cutting propagation of Picea balfouriana, including cutting types, cutting position,treatment times soaking by water, age of ortets, different individuals and plant hormones. The experimental results showed that there was difference of rooting percentage among different individuals. The rooting percentage of lignified branch was increased by plant hormone treatment, especially treated by IBA 500 mg/kg one hour and 200 mg/kg five hours respectively, whose rooting percentage were 88.1% and 81.0%. The rooting percentage and rooting number per cutting of young individuals was the same as mature individuals'. There was no different of rooting percentage among different cutting position. Meanwhile, the rooting course at Shangrila of Yunnan province was analyzed, all cutting have callus in 35 d after cutting, 45-60 d,90-100 d after cutting was the period of higher rooting percentage.