作 者: ;
机构地区: 中山大学人文科学学院马克思主义哲学与中国现代化研究所
出 处: 《现代哲学》 2007年第1期58-62,共5页
摘 要: 亚里士多德虽然将目的在己还是在他作为区分实践智慧与技艺的重要标准,但是由于受“技艺”之喻此种潜在思想图式的影响,亚里士多德关于实践智慧与技艺的划界并非无懈可击,为后代思想家们的进一步思考留下伏笔。马克思提升生产劳动为目的价值,进而批判资本主义社会的“异化劳动”状态;海德格尔则对实践智慧与技艺的区分作了存在论的解读,以此对应人类自身本真-非本真的生存状态;阿伦特则更加注重和强调行动/实践智慧的政治涵义,以此对抗政治上的极权主义。 Aristotle always indicated phronesis by techne analogy so that confused the boundary of phronesis and techne which he has distinguished through end in itself or in other, so later thinkers could rethink this problem. Marx criticized estranged labour of Capitalism society through taking labour as end in itself; Heidegger indicated phronesis and techne as human authentic and inauthentic existential state from a existential-ontological view; Arent opposed totalitarianism through emphasizing the political meanings of action/phronesis.
领 域: [哲学宗教]