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Research on the Coastal Military Commission in the Southern Song Dynasty

作  者: ;

机构地区: 韩山师范学院政法系

出  处: 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2007年第1期47-55,共9页

摘  要: 南宋高宗绍兴二年(1132),为防御金人从海上偷袭,设立了沿海制置司。沿海制置司最初只有一个官署,其后分为浙东沿海制置司和浙西沿海制置司,分别驻在平江府许浦镇和明州定海县,两司废置不常,最后只有浙东沿海制置司保留了下来。沿海制置使例由所在地守令兼,其日常工作由副使负责,因其军事性质,副使通常为武职担任。沿海制置司掌握了数量可观的军事力量,本来是一个纯粹的军事部门,但在其发展过程中,民政的色彩越来越浓。 The Coastal Military Commission (CMC) was established under the Southern Song Dynasty in 1132 to resist the attacks of the Jin Kingdom. The CMC had only one office at the very beginning. Later, the commission was divided into two departments known as the East Zhejiang Coastal Military Department and the West Zhejiang Coastal Military Department, which were located in Dinghai County of the Mingzhou Prefecture and XupuTown of the Pingjiang Prefecture respectively. Finally, however, only the east Zhejiang department remained to function. The local prefects were in charge of the department, while deputy heads were responsible for daily work. The deputy headship was normally taken by a military officer, due to the military function of the department, which was in control of considerable military forces. The department of military nature took care of more and more civil affairs as it developed. This helped explain why the military force of the Song Dynasty was weak and incompetent.

关 键 词: 沿海制置司 海军衙门 南宋

领  域: [历史地理] [历史地理]


作者 臧俊改
作者 郭丽冰
作者 方如金
作者 赖婉琴
作者 叶伟华


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学文学院中国文化史籍研究所
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学文学院


作者 徐佳宁
作者 曾彧
作者 杨卫华
作者 欧阳娟
作者 武小平