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Study on the Application of Water Retaining Agent to Grape and Chinese Date and Analysis of the Economic Benefits in Xinjiang

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (张斌); (再娜甫); (阿不力孜);

机构地区: 仲恺农业技术学院化学化工学院绿色化工研究所

出  处: 《中国农学通报》 2007年第1期385-390,共6页

摘  要: 在中国严重干旱的新疆哈密地区以葡萄和大枣两种果树为试验材料,研究了不同保水剂施用方法、用量对两种新植和挂果果树成活率、植株生长、果品含糖量和土壤含水量的影响,并对保水剂施用后的经济效益进行了分析。结果表明:保水剂直接拌土效果优于凝胶拌土;施用保水剂能显著增加土壤的保水能力,严重干旱时土壤含水量增加可达2倍以上;对于新移栽的果苗,10~30g/株的复合保水剂用量较为适宜,可以增加苗木成活率20%左右,并促进新梢生长;对于盛果期的葡萄树用100~200g/株复合保水剂较为适宜。复合保水剂为100g/株和200g/株时,葡萄产量分别较对照增产12.59%和25.29%,含糖量分别较对照增加9.92%和6.01%,每公顷分别增收2812.5元和5625.0元;在葡萄果实膨大期干旱胁迫时(正常灌水量75%的条件下),分别较对照增产38.46%和66.62%,含糖量增加0.78%,每公顷分别增收9967.5元和16605.0元。 Using Grape and Chinese date trees as the test plants in Hami,r Xinjiang, one of the most arid area in China, to study the effects of application rate, method of water retaining agent (WRA) on survival ratio of transplanting, growth and sugar content of fruit as well as water content in soil. The Economic benefits of WRA application was also analyzed. The results showed that the effect of application method of mixing WRA with soil was better than that of mixing gel fully absorbing water with soil. Using SAP could obviously enhance soil water holding capacity, soil water content doubled compared with that of the control under severe drought condition. For newly transplanted trees, 10-30g per plant was the suitable rate, which could increased survival ratio of transplanting by 20% and promote the tip growth; while for bearing-grape trees, 100g-200g per plant was the suitable rate. When the application rate was 100g and 200g per plant, rape yield increased by 12.59% and 25.29%, respectively; sugar content increased by 9.92% and 6.01%, respectively; the profit increased by 2812.SRMB and 5625.0RMB per hectare, respectively. However, when the application rate was 100g and 200g per plant at fruit-swelling stage under drought stress with 75% of normal irrigation rate, rape yield increased by 38.46% and 66.62%, respectively; sugar content increased by 0.78%; the profit increased by 9967.SRMB and 16605.0RMB per hectare, respectively.

关 键 词: 保水剂 葡萄 大枣 应用 经济效益

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学] [农业科学] [农业科学]


作者 周立红
作者 颜昭斐


机构 中山大学人文科学学院历史系
机构 华南师范大学历史文化学院


作者 李振义
作者 吴晨
作者 张琳
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作者 吴肖林