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Study on the vegetation and diversity characteristics of Prunus divaricata For m. in Western Tianshan Mountains of Xinjiang Province

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; (许正); (赵永生);

机构地区: 新疆农业大学园艺学院

出  处: 《干旱区地理》 2006年第6期850-855,共6页

摘  要: 在采用样方法调查的基础上,分析了位于新疆西天山樱桃李植物群落(群系)的组成结构和物种多样性特征。研究结果表明,群落中野樱桃李(Prunus divaricata)、准噶尔山楂(Grataegus chlorcarpa)、杏(Armeniaca vulgarls)、新疆野苹果(Malus siev ersii)等多为建群种或共建种,其植株高大,优势地位突出,样方群落分别归属于4种群落亚群系:(1)野樱桃李为主与野山楂、野杏、野苹果共建的落叶阔叶林亚群系;(2)野杏为主与野樱桃李、野山楂、野苹果共建的落叶阔叶林亚群系;(3)野山楂为主与野樱桃李、野杏、野苹果共建的落叶阔叶林亚群系;(4)野苹果为主与野山楂、野樱桃李共建的落叶阔叶林亚群系。新疆霍城县大、小西沟的野果林群落,是我国野樱桃李植物群系的唯一分布区,野樱桃李的重要值(IV)为138.08~275.64,群落的Simpson多样性指数(HSP)为1.13—8.68,Shannon—Wiener多样性指数(HSW)为0.32~11.53,基于Simpson多样性指数的物种均匀度(JSP)为0.23~2.71,基于Shannon—Wiener多样性指数的物种均匀度(JSW)为0.32—3.17,由于群落处于顶极阶段,群落的多样性指数较低,均匀度较高,群落具有极高的保护价值和科研价值。 Prunus divaricata is only distributed in the Bosten Lake Region in Huocheng City. On the basis of quadrate investigation of Prunus divar icata Form. , structure and species diversity of the Form. were analyzed in Western Tianshan Mountain of Xinjiang Province. The results showed that there was a Prunus divaricata Form. , compri- Grataegus chlorcarpa, Armeniaca vulgaris, Malus sieversii. (2) Armeniaca vulgaris-Prunus divaricata, Grataegus chlorcarpa, Malus sieversii, (3) Grataegus chlorcarpa-Prunus divaricata, Armeniaca vulgaris, Malus sievers ii, (4) Malus sieversii-Grataegus chlorcarpa, Prunus divaricata, Becau se of at its climax stage, IV of Prunus divaricata was 138.08 -275.64, Simpson and Shannon -Wiener indexes of the community were low, each was 1.13 - 8.68 and 0.32 -11.53, JSP and JSW were high, each was 0.23 -2.71 and 0.32 -3.17. When the popula tion was from low - grade to high - grade, the diversity coefficient was getting low ly. The relativity between the diversity coefficient and the total individual nu tuber was not closed. Population of Prunus divaricata was much simple, even was in decaying. There is great value of conservation and research of the Form.

关 键 词: 新疆 西天山 野樱桃李 植物群落 物种多样性

领  域: [农业科学]




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