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Effect of Achnatherum splendens in loessal slope rehabilitation

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所

出  处: 《中国水土保持科学》 2006年第B12期13-18,共6页

摘  要: 针对黄土高原铁路、公路、大坝及农田地埂边坡长期裸露的水土流失与生态环境问题,选择禾本科植物-芨芨草,进行了为期10年的引种、栽培、生理生态特性与水保等方面的综合开发利用研究。结果表明,芨芨草具有耐旱、耐盐碱、耐瘠薄、抗风沙和极强的固土护坡作用,采用的包衣穴播、分根栽植、基茎扦插3大栽培技术,使芨芨草植株在长期干旱裸露的边坡能快速形成密集的地上部分和发达的根系,固结土壤,防止地表径流冲刷土壤,保护了铁路、公路、大坝及农田地埂边坡的生态安全,为我国西部同类型区的边坡治理,提供了抗逆性较强的优良禾本科植物与配套的栽培技术体系。 It is well-known that the soil and water losses in perennial bare land of slope on railway, highway, dams and ridge of field in the Loess Plateau are very rigorous as well as the eco-environment problems. In this paper, we have selected one gramineous plant-Achnatherurn splendens Nevski for 10 years to do integrated exploitationresearch in introduction, planting, physiological ecological characters, soil conservation, etc.. The results indicated that the plant could bear drought and infertile, resist sand blown by wind and also it had the positive effect to consolidate soil and protect slope. By using 3 planting technical practices involving seed coating bunch planting, planting by rootcuttings, planting by cuttings, Achnatherum splendens Nevski could form dense over-ground parts and extensive roots quickly. Those characters made the plant have the ability to consolidate soil, prevent earth surface runoff and soil erosion. Besides, it protected the eco-security of slope on railway, highway, dams and ridge of field. Achnatherurn splendens Nevski and its corresponding planting technical system to slope rehabilitation should be used for the same regions in the western China.

关 键 词: 芨芨草 黄土高原 裸露边坡 治理技术

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]


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