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Breeding and Selection and Utilization of Brachiaria dictyoneura cv. Reyan 14

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国热带农业科学院热带作物品种资源研究所

出  处: 《热带作物学报》 2006年第3期11-16,共6页

摘  要: 热研14号网脉臂形草是1991年10月从哥伦比亚国际热带农业中心首次引入,于1992 ̄1993年在网室和大田进行适应性观察,1994 ̄1996年进行品种比较试验,并于1996 ̄2003年进行区域性试验,1999 ̄2003年进行生产性试验。结果表明:热研14号网脉臂形草适应性强,具发达的匍匐茎,耐酸瘦土壤,能在pH4.5 ̄5.0的强酸性土壤和极端贫瘠的土壤上表现出良好的持久性和丰产性,在中等肥力和酸瘦土上具有较高的饲草产量,特别是热研14号网脉臂形草耐干旱和相对耐荫,在年降水750mm以上的热带、亚热带地区均可良好生长,在林下间作表现出良好的持续性;侵占性强,触地各节产生不定根,自然传播迅速,并能与飞机草等恶性杂草竞争;耐践踏、耐重牧,亲和力强,可与豆科牧草等混播建设草地持久、耐用。热研14号网脉臂形草适合草地建设、保持水土和果园间作。 Brachiaria dictyoneura cv. Reyan 14 was first introduced in 1991 from CIAT, and its adaptability was then evaluated during the years of 1992-1994 in green house and field, followed by comparative trial, regional trial and productive trial carried out in 1996 to 2003 in Hainan and Yunnan provinces. Preliminary results showed that B. dictyoneura cv.Reyan 14 had wide adaptation and strong perennial stolon with short rhizomes. It is highly adapted to acid and fertile soil, and has good persistence and productivity on acid (pH 4.5-5.0) and fertile soil. It produced high dry matter yield with high nutrient value on moderately acid and fertilizer soil, showed high tolerance to drought, trample and heavy grazing, and had high affinity with a range of legumes of various growth habits. It improves natural pasture, facilitates water and soil erosion control, and can be intercropped in forest plantations and orchards in tropical and sub-tropical regions.

关 键 词: 热研 号网脉臂形草 选育 利用

领  域: [农业科学]




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