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Surrounding rock abutment pressure distribution and thickness effect of dynamic catastrophic in fully mechanized sublevel mining stope

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 安徽理工大学

出  处: 《煤炭学报》 2006年第6期731-735,共5页

摘  要: 以谢桥矿1151(3)综放工作面地质及开采技术条件为背景,采用大型非线性三维计算机数值模拟,对不同开采高度(3.0,5.4,8.0,12.0 m)进行模拟研究.研究表明:不同采高工作面围岩支承压力分布规律存在明显差异,随着煤层一次采高的增加,工作面煤体内和采空侧煤柱内支承压力峰值呈下降趋势,峰值位置超前工作面距离增大,煤体抵抗损伤应变能的区域变大;工作面侧向实体煤支承压力峰值沿走向在工作面前方与煤层厚度无明显关系,而在工作面后方随采高逐渐降低,峰值位置离煤壁也越远.应用损伤力学和能量法分析了支承压力分布对煤与瓦斯突出层厚效应影响规律,表明综放开采随一次开采高度的增加,采场周围煤岩体内积聚的弹性能降低且抵抗损伤变形的能力增强,有利于减缓动力灾害. Numerical simulation was carried out to analyze the distribution of surrounding rock stress with different thick coal seams (3.0, 5.4, 8.0, 12. 0 m) based on engineering geology and exploitation technology of 1151 (3) fully mechanized sublevel caving face in Xieqiao colliery. The research indicates that the variation laws of abutment pressure have obvious difference in different thick coal seams. With increment of caving seam, the maximum abut- ment pressure falls down in face and coal pillar approach goal and the position of peak value is depart from face increment and the stope of coal resist damage strain energy is enlarged. The strike-ward abutment pressure peak value of integrated coal have similar laws with seam in front of face, but it falls down behind the face and the position of peak vaule is depart from face. Analyzed the thickness effect laws of abutment pressure distribution on coalethane outburst by applzing damage mechanics and energy approach. With thickness increment of caving seam, the research illustrates that the elastic energy resilience is reduced and the capability of resisting damaging and deforming is strengthen in coal around stope. The results show that fully mechanized sublevel caving slows down the dynamic catastrophic and supplies theory.

关 键 词: 综放开采 支承压力 动力灾害 层厚效应

领  域: [矿业工程]




作者 范福军