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Application of TSP203 System in the Advanced Prediction of Wall Rock Stability in the Arch Dam Tunnel

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 湖南科技大学土木工程学院

出  处: 《中国安全科学学报》 2006年第11期98-101,共4页

摘  要: 以上(海)瑞(丽)高速公路湖南境内邵(阳)-怀(化)段拱坝隧道掘进中掌子面前方岩体结构的超前预报为例,介绍了TSP203地球物理探测新方法,预报了该隧道右线YK91+163-YK91+080段的围岩由于节理发育,且地表水与节理裂隙贯通性较好,因此稳定性较差,在施工中将很易造成坍塌,应按Ⅱ类围岩支护;在YK91+080-YK91+045段围岩稳定性较好,可视具体情况变更支护方案;YK91+031-YK91+013段,可能存在层间破碎带或软弱夹层,在施工过程中需要加强支护。通过探测保证了及时、详细、准确地了解开挖掌子面前方的岩体结构情况,为施工单位合理安排施工作业进度、保障施工人员生命安全、减少工程隐患提供了科学依据。 This paper firstly introduced a new exploring method -TSP (Tunnel Seismic Prediction)203 system, then took the advanced prediction of wall rock structure in front of the face of Gongba tunnel in Shaoyang-Huaihua Section, Hunan, Shanghai-ruili express way as an example, the results were as follows: The wall rock stability was lowness in YK91 + 163 -YK91 +080 section, because joints were developed and surface water ran through the joints, the roof is liable to fall in tunneling and was necessary to be safely supported according to Ⅱ type of wall rock. The wall rock stability was good in YKgl +080 -YKgl + 045 section, safety support can be adjusted. There were some rock fragmentation zones and weak intercalated layers in YK91 +031 -YK91 +013 section, it is necessary to strengthen safety support during tunneling. All of above information is very important for the arrangement of tunneling method, safety construction and the reduction of hidden dangers.

关 键 词: 隧道地震预报系统 拱坝隧道 地震勘查 超前预报 围岩稳定性

领  域: [环境科学与工程]




作者 覃剑
作者 王逢文
作者 崔书琴
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