机构地区: 深圳职业技术学院机电工程学院
出 处: 《深圳职业技术学院学报》 2006年第4期85-88,共4页
摘 要: 文章认为国内高职院校单片机教学注重理论的系统性及实验的验证性,介绍了“产品研发法在单片机课程中的应用”的教学研究项目、组合式单片机教具、部分教学实例及使用该教具后的教学效果,介绍了单片机组合教具的销售及国内其他高职院校的使用情况,提出了“学、研、产”教学研究模式。 It is held that systematic theory study and verification in SCM teaching are highly valued at present. This article focuses on knockdown SCM teaching aid, covering its application in classrooms and response from students, and its marketability, The model of "integration of learning, research, production" is also dealt with.