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A Study on the Chinese Family Planning Policy

作  者: ;

机构地区: 上海社会科学院经济研究所

出  处: 《市场与人口分析》 2006年第5期50-57,75,共9页

摘  要: 现行生育政策最初是在1982年中央11号文件中提出来的。它对于纠正从1978年开始提出并逐渐形成的“一胎化”生育政策的偏差,起到一定的积极作用。但是,在控制人口效果方面,现行生育政策对于抑制农村妇女的早婚早育和多胎生育、调节和疏导我国第三次生育高峰却没有多少实际意义。相反,由于现行生育政策同广大农民的生育意愿之间的差距过大,在长期执行过程中一直在给农民造成巨大的伤害,所以,迅速改变现行生育政策,彻底纠正“一胎化”生育政策给社会稳定带来的隐患,是一件刻不容缓的事情。 The current family planning policy in China was put forward by No 11 document of central government in 1982,and changed the"one child policy" since 1978, However, considering the population control, the current family planning policy did not play an active role in changing the early marriage ,early child-birth, high order birth, and 3rd baby boom in China. On the other hand, because there is a big gap between the current family planning policy and fertility desire of rural residence, the policy has been hurting the rural residence since its perform. So, the paper proposed to change the current family planning policy and one-child policy's impact on social stability.

关 键 词: 现行生育政策 一胎化 纠正

领  域: [社会学] [经济管理]


作者 段华明


机构 广东省委党校


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