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Characteristics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons emitted from indoor combustion of domestic coals

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所有机地球化学国家重点实验室

出  处: 《地球化学》 2007年第1期49-54,共6页

摘  要: 民用燃煤是我国最大的室外和室内空气污染源。为了研究不同煤种在民用燃烧条件下多环芳烃(PAH)的排放特征,对5种成熟度不同的煤种(4种烟煤和1种无烟煤)以蜂窝煤形式燃烧产生的烟气进行采集,对其中24种PAH_s进行定量分析,并与原煤的二氯甲烷(DCM)抽提物进行对比。结果表明,不同煤种的PAH排放因子差别显著,无烟煤的排放因子比烟煤低3个数量级,24种PAHs总和仅为184μg/kg,烟煤则为136~408mg/kg;原煤PAH抽提率的情况与之相似,无烟煤为4mg/kg,烟煤为96~156mg/kg。各种类型PAH(母体PAH、甲基PAH和含O/S-PAH)所占比例在不同煤种之间存在差异,但在烟气中和原煤抽提物的情况一致,说明民用燃煤前后PAH具有一定的继承性。通过4组毒性当量参数的比较,发现无烟煤燃烧烟气中的PAH毒性当量比原煤抽提物明显减少,而烟煤则表现为不同程度的增加。 Domestic coal combustion is the most important source of outdoor and indoor air pollution in China. In order to investigate the characteristics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) emitted from combustion of domestic coals with various maturities, a sampling system was employed in the present study to collect the emissions from five coals (one anthracite and four bituminous coals), and 24 PAHs were quantified in the emissions and were compared with those extracted from raw coals. The results show that notable differences exist about the emission factor (EF) of PAH among five coals. The total EF of 24 PAHs from anthracite coal combustion (184 μg/kg) is lower by three orders of magnitude than those of bituminous coals ( 136 - 408 mg/kg). The extraction rates of PAH show the similar variation among different coals. The percentage of different types of PAH (parent-PAH, methyl- PAH, and O/S-PAH) varied among five coals, but remained the same tendency in samples before and after coal combustion, which suggests the inheritance to some extent. By comparison of four toxic parameters, it is found that the toxic equivalent of PAH in the emissions of anthracite decreased obviously comparing to those in raw coal, while the status reversed for bituminous coals.

关 键 词: 民用煤 燃烧 多环芳烃 排放因子 溶剂抽提率 毒性当量

领  域: [天文地球] [天文地球]


作者 孙骞骞
作者 李方阳
作者 赵全


机构 东莞理工学院体育系
机构 安阳师范学院外国语学院
机构 暨南大学外国语学院


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作者 张祖荣
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