机构地区: 江南大学土木工程系
出 处: 《建筑科学》 2006年第B06期38-44,共7页
摘 要: 空调水系统设计是空调系统设计的重要内容之一。改变传统的设计方法和计算手段,提高设计质量和效率是设计发展的必然趋势。利用图论和管网电算理论开发的计算机程序能够实现空调水系统设计中管段流量分配的计算、管径选择、系统总阻力和调节参数的计算、水泵和平衡阀的选型等功能。本文介绍了集中空调水系统设计的电算程序编制的原理和方法,以及在某工程空调系统设计中的应用。实践证明该程序的应用可以大大减少设计人员的计算工作量,提高设计的质量和效率。 The water system design is very important for the central air-conditioning system design. It is necessary to change traditional design and calculation methods in order to improve the design quality and efficiency. Based on graph theory and pipe-network theory, the program with the functions of the calculation of branch flow distribution, resistance loss, adjustment for pressure difference, pipe sizing, the specification of water pumps and balance valves, and the design optimization was developed. The theories and methods with respect to the development of the program were presented. The program was applied in a practical engineering. It was proved that the methods proposed could improve design quality and efficiency.
领 域: [建筑科学]