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Plant Regeneration from Protoplast in Loquat

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 福建农林大学园艺学院亚热带果树研究所

出  处: 《园艺学报》 1996年第4期313-318,共6页

摘  要:   以普通批粑(价iobotlya joponica Lindl.)‘解放钟’等品种的不同发育期胚为材料诱导愈伤组织。起源于鱼雷形胚的胚性愈伤组织是游离原生质体的合适材料。最合适的游离原生质体的酶混合液为:l%纤继素酶+2%果胶酶干!2%甘露醇,其原生质体得率高于L 07/g愈伤组织,原生质体成活率在 95%以上。原生质体经液体培养 4天后,出现第一次细胞分裂,并继续分裂,形成大量肉眼可见的小愈伤组织。愈伤组织在含3%山梨醇的培养基土培养3周后,其表面出现茎原基,并进一步发育成芽苗。芽苗移入生根培养基后生成完整植株。已获得解放钟和‘白梨’移栽成活的原生质体再生植株。 On the bas。 of the Invest%atlon of the embryology In loquat(EribotVajoponlca Llndl.), 3 types of embryos In various velopment stages were cultured. Thcallus, whlchderlved fromtorPedo—shaPede讪ryo, wasthe optimum materlalfortheisolation fprotoplast. The best combination ofenzymes selected for protoplast isolationwas 2%Pectlnase withl%cellulase,andlZ%mannltol.The yield of protoplast off x107/ g, with95% survival rate, was obtalnedby nsf吧 this co汕Inatlon. The hrst melosisWSS ObSCfVCd 4dsys sftCf thC llqlldCllltllfC, thCfldlVldlllg dellfoflllCdCOblllCS, sfid thelatter further formed little callus In agrose Mlum. The callus was transferred Into the me-dium supplemented with 3% sorbltol, then shoot dlfferentlatlon and phnt regenerationwere observed. The plantletsderlved from protoplasts In two cultlvars,‘ Jlefangzhong’ and‘Balll’,were transplanted successfully.

关 键 词: 枇杷 原生质体 植株再生

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]


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