机构地区: 广州地理研究所
出 处: 《地理空间信息》 2006年第6期24-27,共4页
摘 要: 本研究以1988~2001年共4个时相的遥感影像作为数据源,对北江芦苞浅段岸线和洲滩变化进行对比分析,结果表明90年代以后此段河道河势发生了较大的变化,主要体现在河道主流线的迁移、小型洲滩的消亡,变化时间与人为采砂和航道整治的时间相吻合,河势向着稳定的趋势发展,文章最后对河道演变的影响因素进了初步探讨。 In this paper, with four-temporal remote sensing data from 1988 to 2001, the changes of coastline and beaches were analyzed in Lubao shallow reach of Beijiang River, the results showed that change of river regime is significant since 1990s, it represents in the evolvement of the deep line and small beaches disappear- ing, and the time of change matches with the period of human exploiting sand and walerway regulation. The de- velopment of river regime is to steady tendency. Finally, the factors att'ecting the river channel evolution were also discussed preliminarily.