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Culture-dependent Extremely Halophilic Archaea Isolated from Heijing Ancient Salt Mine,Yunnan

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 云南大学生命科学学院云南省生物资源开发与利用重点实验室

出  处: 《微生物学通报》 2006年第6期1-7,共7页

摘  要: 从云南禄丰县黑井古镇古盐矿采集30多个盐土样品,用6种极端嗜盐古菌的培养基进行分离,共挑选出425株嗜盐菌。经过盐浓度耐受等实验筛选并去除可能重复菌株后共有79株极端嗜盐菌,选出15株进行了16SrRNA基因序列测定,结果显示,其中11株为极端嗜盐古菌。对这11株菌进行初步系统发育分析发现,它们广泛分布在极端嗜盐古菌科至少4个不同属中,其中16SrRNA基因和已有效发表种间的序列相似性在97%以上的有6株,分布在Halorubrum,Natronococcus,Natrialba,Halalkalicoccus4个属中;序列相似性低于97%的有5株菌株YIM-ARC0032,YIM-ARC0036,YIM-ARC0037,YIM-ARC0050,它们的分类地位有待进一步确定。实验初步显示出了云南黑井盐矿极端嗜盐古菌的多样性和丰富度,值得深入研究。 425 halophilie bacteria strains were isolated by using six different media from thirty salt-soil samples collected from Heijing ancient salt mine, Yunnan. By the growth on NaGl grandient concentration and other screening methods, 79 strains of extremely halophilie microorganisms were chosen for further research. Based on colonies color, shape and size, 15 stains were selected to be sequenced. The sequencing results revealed that 11 of them were haloarchaea. According to the phylogenetic analysis, they belong to four genera of the family Halobacteriaceae. The blast results showed that the similarities of six sequences were higher than 97 % with the validly described species of the following four genera: Halorubrum, Natronococeus, Natrialba, ltalalkalicoccus. The similarities of other five sequences with any validly described species were less than 97 %, therefore, the taxonomic positions of the following five strains YIM-ARC 0032, YIM-ARC 0036, YIM-ARC 0037, and YIM- ARC 0050 could be determined according to further polyphasic taxonomy data. The results indicated that there was a considerable diversity of haloarcheaea in salt-mine environment of Heijing ancient salt mine, Yunnan and it was worth continuing to research on this area.

关 键 词: 嗜盐古菌 盐矿 生物多样性

领  域: [生物学]


作者 戴先明
作者 何庆权
作者 冯小钉
作者 王宇丰


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学社会学与人类学学院人类学系
机构 仲恺农业工程学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 丁培强
作者 徐松林
作者 徐枫
作者 陈光慧
作者 孙有发