机构地区: 河北工程大学信息与电气工程学院
出 处: 《中国科技信息》 2006年第24期227-227,共1页
摘 要: 目前,双语教学正成为我国教育改革的热点,越来越多的学校已经实施或正在准备实施双语教学。文章主要针对与教学实践有关的两类问题“学科知识传授问题和语言使用问题”提出一些看法,以推进我国双语教学实验的顺利进行。 At ,the present time,bilingual education just become a hotspot of school fashion in our country.More and mope schools are already carrying it out or are in process of carrying it out, This paper mostly in allusion to two issues; knowledge impact and language bestowing, aiming to push bilingual education caring through all right.