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A Study of Attentional Bias on Heroin-related Cues and Negative-physical Cues in Heroin Abstainers

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 浙江大学心理与行为科学系

出  处: 《心理科学》 2006年第6期1287-1290,共4页

摘  要: 以84名海洛因戒除者和20名正常成人为被试,采用情绪stroop范式探讨了不同康复时相海洛因戒除者对海洛因相关线索和负性生理线索的注意偏向。结果发现,海洛因戒除者对表征与海洛因滥用相关的负性生理线索和表征海洛因使用行为的相关线索存在同等效力的注意偏向,且在不同康复时相内具有稳定性。该研究为解释基于戒除症状的负性情绪对于诱发依赖者药物渴求感和复吸行为的作用及整合基于对相关线索注意偏向的认知加工理论和基于对负性情绪的回避的负强化情绪加工理论提供了实验证据。 The study estimated the attentional bias towards heroin-related cues and negative-physical cues in heroin abstainers during different abstinence phases with the emotion stroop paradigm. The results indicated that heroin abstainers displayed the same potency of attentional bias to these two kinds of cues and the attentional bias remained stable at different treatment phases. The study provided experimental evidence for explaining how the negative emotion arising from the withdrawal symptoms induced drug craving and relapse behavior, and for integrating the cognitive processing theory and affective processing theory of negative reinforcement.

关 键 词: 海洛因戒除者 海洛因相关线索 负性生理线索 注意偏向

领  域: [哲学宗教] [哲学宗教]




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