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Analysis on the Elementary Components of the Scum of Mixed Juice from Sugarcane Mill

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 广西大学轻工与食品工程学院

出  处: 《甘蔗糖业》 2006年第6期29-33,共5页

摘  要: 浮渣处理是上浮法在糖业界产业化应用必须解决的问题,为更好地制定和选择混合汁浮渣综合利用的技术路线,本文根据国标方法分析测定了甘蔗糖厂混合汁浮渣基本成分,结果表明,浮渣含灰分7.30%、蛋白质17.02%、粗脂肪7.00%、粗纤维11.23%和碳水化合物68.67%。分析检测结果表明,混合汁浮渣是一种很有营养价值的糖厂副产物,循环利用潜力巨大。对浮渣的综合利用既可使糖厂获得可观的经济效益,又能减轻有机非糖分对制糖过程的负面影响,有效控制滤泥的排放量及其对环境的影响。 The treatment of the scum obtained from floatation process is a problem that must be solved in the industrial application of sugar industry. In order to find or choose a better technique for a multi-purpose utilization of the scum of mixed juice, the elementary components of the scum of mixed ju in this paper according to the national standards. It contains ash 7.30%, protein 17.02% ce are determined crude fat 7.00%, crude fiber 11.23% and carbohydrate 68.67%. As the results showed, the scum of mixed juice from sugarcane mill has high nutritive value and is suitable for utilization, which can alleviate the negative effect of organic non-sugar, reduce the excretion of filtrated mud and the environmental pollution in sugar industrial process.

关 键 词: 混合汁浮渣 基本成分 分析检测

领  域: [轻工技术与工程] [轻工技术与工程]




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