机构地区: 井冈山学院生命科学学院
出 处: 《井冈山学院学报:综合版》 2006年第12M期 71-73,共3页
摘 要: 多媒体与合作学习相结合的教学模式是在双语教学实践中探索出的一种将现代多媒体教学手段与先进的合作学习理论策略相结合的双语教学模式。它既能发挥多媒体技术在生物学双语教学中的独特优势,又将合作学习的先进理念贯穿于整个教学过程,有利于激发学生对双语教学的学习热情,提高双语教学的效果。它通过师生之间、学生之间的互动教学与合作学习,形成一种合作化、人性化的教学环境,以促进学生的全面发展。 The biological bilingual teaching pattern of multimedia assistance linking with cooperative study, which was achieved from the bilingual education practice in biology, combines the modern teaching instruments with the advanced learning strategy. It not only takes the particular advantages of the multimedia courseware into play but also inspires the students" enthusiasm in bilingual classes by applying the cooperative learning strategy. The bilingual classes could be cooperative and harmonious because of the communication between the teacher and the students or among the student individuals. That atmosphere can improve the effect of bilingual education and develop the students" qualities.
分 类 号: [G434]