机构地区: 华南理工大学建筑学院
出 处: 《新建筑》 2006年第1期32-35,共4页
摘 要: 在关键性地理因素和人工因素的影响下,横坑村初步形成了扇形村落格局,这一格局与珠江三角洲的常见村落有诸多不同之处,地理环境、客家民系的建造传统、微气候共同造成了横坑村在整体布局上的擘画理念。通过详细的实地考察和对家谱、村史的阅读,以及对作为村落关键性社会空间的祠堂的分析,阐述了在嘉靖十九年开放庶民建家庙之后,横坑旧村从中心式布局转向变形的梳式布局的过程,并对村落中四座主要的祠堂建筑进行了比较研究。 According to some key geographical elements and cultural influesces, Hengkeng Village of Dongguan was shaped as an fan-shaped village. It was natural site, architectural tradition of Hakka culture and microclimate which determined the planning idea of Hengkeng, and made Hengkeng so different from ancestral halls as the key social space in the village, authors discuss the transformation process of the layout of the village from centralized pattern to comb-shaped pattern, and also make some comparisons between 4 ancestral halls in the village.
领 域: [建筑科学]