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Countries'Characteristics and Risks of Foreign Bank Entry

作  者: ; ; (高宇辉);

机构地区: 西南财经大学金融学院中国金融研究中心

出  处: 《国际金融研究》 2006年第11期42-48,共7页

摘  要: 国际上对银行业开放的争议尚无定论。本文在简述这些争议内容的基础上,全方位地评析了国别差异对银行业对外开放风险的影响,论证了对不同的国家,同一国家不同的政治、经济发展阶段,银行业对外开放具有不同的意义。小国对大国政治、经济的依附性,决定了大规模对外开放,甚至在特定的历史条件下由外资银行占主导都不失为一种可取的政策选择,而大国之间的对抗性,及政治、经济的非依附性,使大规模引进外资的长期结果难以预料,利弊的分野在于推行开放政策的国家管理经济金融的水平。所以,国家间的差异性应当成为我们科学评判银行业对外开放风险的基础。 There have been different views on bank-open policy and far from reaching a consensus. On the basis of summarizing these views, we have analyzed sweepingly how the different characteristics among nations influence the risks of bank-open. We also have demonstrated the results of banking-open in different phrases of different countries. Small countries usually open widely and even allow foreign banks to control the majority shares in their banking sectors, as they are dependent both politically and economically on big countries. But the antagonism and independence among big countries make it difficult to predict the results of big countries' introduction of foreign capital in long terms, depending on the capability of managing economy and finance of the host countries. So, when making a judgment of the risk of bank-open policies, countries' characteristics should be taken into consideration.

关 键 词: 银行业 对外开放 风险

领  域: [经济管理]


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机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东金融学院
机构 暨南大学经济学院金融学系


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