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A Preliminary Report on the Arthropod Community in the Field of Abrus cantoniensis Hance

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 广西药用植物园

出  处: 《中国农学通报》 2006年第11期 307-310,共4页

摘  要: 鸡骨草害虫和天敌的组成及变化规律,是鸡骨草害虫生物防治的基础及理论依据。通过定期随机调查表明:鸡骨草生长期,田间节肢动物涉及10目25科36种,主要害虫为稻绿蝽、稻棘缘蝽、斑腿蝗、中华稻蝗、棉蚜:优势天敌是小步甲、丽草蛉、异色瓢虫、天幕毛虫黑卵蜂、绒茧蜂;5至7月上旬是群落的建立阶段,7月上旬至9月上旬为群落发展阶段,9月下旬至11月底为群落消解阶段;6月下旬至7月上旬是主要害虫的发生高峰期;7月初至8月是优势天敌发生高峰;鸡骨草生长中后期,田间天敌发生稳定.基本能控制害虫的发生。 The structure and variety rule of natural enemy and insect pest are the base and theory evidence to biological controle pest . Throw random sample at regular intervals, the rustle showed: the arthropod community in A brus cantoniensis Hance fields contains 10 orders , 25 families , 36 specties .Nezara viridula Linnaeus, Cletus punctiger Dallas, Catantops spp., Oxya Chinensis Thumb and Aphis gossypii Glover are the major insect pests, while Tachys Steph,Chrysopa formosa Brauer,Ieis axyridis (Pallas), Teienomus terbraus Ratzeburg, Vipionidae were the dominant natural enemies; May to early July, early July to early September and the late September to November were respectively the building, the developing and the disintegrating periord of the community;The fastigium of the major insect pests was late June to early July, while the fastigium of the dominant natural enemies was from July to August. During the middle and late growing stage of A brus cantoniensis Hance,natural enemies steadily occurred,can control insect pests on the whole.

关 键 词: 鸡骨草 害虫 天敌 生物群落

分 类 号: [S435.672]

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]


作者 刘晓明
作者 李渝萍


机构 广州大学
机构 广东金融学院
机构 广东金融学院工商管理系


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