机构地区: 华南师范大学
出 处: 《心理发展与教育》 2006年第4期35-43,共9页
摘 要: 选取138名大学生被试,采用移动窗口实时阅读技术和探测技术,探讨文本理解过程中长时记忆的目标信息激活的机制。实验1探讨在中文条件下目标焦点是否也启动长时记忆中目标信息的整合。结果表明在目标实现的条件下,目标句1可以作为目标启动句,激活进入长时记忆中的目标信息。实验2和3探讨长时记忆中目标信息的激活是自然实现的还是需要目标愈合信号启动激活,实验结果表明长时记忆中目标信息的激活需要目标愈合信号的启动。该研究结果总的表明:阅读过程长时记忆中目标信息的激活不需要与当前阅读信息发生共振,目标愈合情境是影响长时记忆目标信息通达的关键因素。 Moving window display technique and recognition probes technique were used to investigate the mechanism of accessibility of goal information in long-term memory in text uncompleted subgoal condition and the completed subgoal primed the integration of the goal information in readers' reading in 138 college stuclents. Experiment 1 designed the condition, with which the authors tested whether the goal-focus long-term memory. The result showed that the reading time of Target sentence 2 was longer in the completed condition than that in the uncompleted condition. The result suggested the Target sentence 1 severed as signal primed the accessibility of goal information in long-term memory. Experiment 2 and 3 explored whether the accessibility of the goal information was spontaneous or not. In these two experiments, the author designed the super goal version and non-super goal version. The goal information through the passages was not integrated in Experiment 2 and was integrated in Experiment 3. The result of Experiment 2 showed the recognition times of goal probe words in both versions were not significantly different. The result suggested the goal information in long-term memory was not affected the current comprehension when the goal information was not integrated. The result of Experiment 3 showed the recognition times of goal probe words in the super goal version were shorter than that in the non-super goal version. The result suggested the integrating sentence of goal information reactivated the goal in long-term memory and the situation of the integration of goal information was the critical factor in the accessibility of the goal information in longterm memory.