机构地区: 广东商学院信息学院电子商务系
出 处: 《广东商学院学报》 2006年第5期35-38,共4页
摘 要: 为解决信息不对称引发的逆向选择问题,信号理论应运而生。这一理论主要包括信号发送理论和信号甄别理论。综观现有研究成果,目前信号理论的发展主要体现在:从两种类型的局中人拓展到多种类型的局中人;从静态研究到动态研究;前提假设不断放松;研究越来越接近现实生活的实际情况并在产业组织、金融市场和劳动力市场等领域得到广泛应用。 To solve the adverse selection problems caused by asymmetric information, signaling theory was proposed. The theory includes signaling and screening. By reviewing the relative researches, we conclude the developments of signaling theory researches as follows: from two-type participant researches to multi-type participant researches, from static researches to dynamic researches, and from strict hypothesis researches to released hypothesis researches, so the researches are more similar to real life. The signaling theory has been widely applied to analyzing the relative phenomena in the industrial field, finance field and labor market field.
领 域: [经济管理]