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A Study on the Guarantee Measures for Implementation of Planning in the Third Revision of the Land Utilization Planning

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 南京农业大学土地管理学院

出  处: 《规划师》 2006年第9期8-10,共3页

摘  要: 加强规划实施管理、保障土地利用和实现规划目标是我国第三轮土地利用规划修编的一个亮点。要完善我国土地利用规划实施的保障措施,在法律法规方面,应强化省、市级地方性法律法规的建设;在行政管理方面,应在宏观层面完善规划实施管理制度,在微观层面强化市、县级规划实施的计划管理;在经济调控方面,应多种经济手段并用,综合调控;在社会监督方面,应强化公众参与、政府参与。 One of the highlights in the third revision of the land utilization planning in China is to strengthen the planning management, guarantee the land utilization and the realization of the goal of planning. To perfect the guarantee measures for implementation of the planning for land utilization in China, it is necessary, in terms of rules and laws, to intensify efforts in establishing local rules and laws at provincial and municipal levels and, In terms of administrative management, to perfect the management system for planning implementation at the macro level and strengthen the planning management at municipal and county level in the planning implementation at micro level. As far as economic regulation and control is concerned, it is necessary to apply multiple economic means for comprehensive control and regulation and as far as supervision is concerned, it is necessary to strengthen the public oartlcioation and government participation.

关 键 词: 规划 规划实施 保障措施

领  域: [建筑科学]




作者 张勇
作者 张萌
作者 冯琼
作者 谢冠一
作者 刘高勇