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Operational models of bioleaching for removal of Cr in tannery sludge

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院环境工程系

出  处: 《环境污染治理技术与设备》 2006年第10期113-117,共5页

摘  要: 生物淋滤技术浸提去除污泥中的重金属,是使污泥洁净化的有效方法。在自行设计的一套总容积为50L的搅拌釜式反应器中进行制革污泥的生物淋滤试验。在连续曝气时,研究了连续搅拌方式和搅拌30min后,停机30、45、60min再搅拌的间歇运行方式的效果。结果表明,连续搅拌运行以及搅拌30min后停机30、45、60min的间歇搅拌运行,分别经过48、60、84、156h的生物淋滤,污泥的pH值下降到2.0以下,氧化还原电位(ORP)上升到530~545mV,铬的溶出率达到99%以上;当固定供气量为9L/min时,污泥中的溶解氧保持在1.2~2.7mg/L;在各种运行方式中,搅拌30min再停机30min的间歇运行方式,其淋滤效果与连续搅拌方式相近,而综合能耗最低,因此,搅拌30min再停机30min的间歇搅拌运行方式可作为工程应用的参考。 It is a perspective and cost-effective approach to remove heavy metals in tannery sludge by bioleaching. A set of stirred tank bioreactor, mainly consisting of four parts agitation with impeller, aeration, heating parts, and a 50 L container, was designed and used in this study. Under a fixed aeration at a rate of 0.9 L/min and temperature of 28℃ , continuous stir model and intermittent stir models with stirring for 30 min fol- lowed by stopping for 30 min, 45 min, and 60 min were employed to study their performances of bioleaching for tannery sludge. The results showed that pH of tannery sludge in bioreactor could be declined to less 2, ORP was increased to 530 ~ 545 mV, and 99% of Cr were removed regardless of continuous or intermittent stir models. However, it took 48 h, 60 h, 84 h, and 156 h to accomplish bioleaching for continuous stir model, and intermittent stir models with stirring for 30 min followed by stopping for 30 min, 45 min, and 60 min, respectively. In the light of the energy consuming and bioleaching efficiency in different models, the intermittent stir model with stirring for 30 min followed by stopping for 30 min was found to be a cost-effective model with an energy reduction of 25% compared to continuous stir model.

关 键 词: 生物淋滤 制革污泥 运行方式 反应器

领  域: [环境科学与工程]


作者 邓远崇
作者 葛竹兴
作者 杭瑞友
作者 王山而
作者 黄晓春


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 东莞职业技术学院
机构 嘉应学院
机构 广州体育学院
机构 广东工贸职业技术学院


作者 覃剑
作者 王逢文
作者 崔书琴
作者 吴贤静
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