机构地区: 广州大学
出 处: 《世界教育信息》 2006年第10期32-34,共3页
摘 要: “亚洲连接”计划是由欧盟组织并实施的国际合作项目,其目的是促进欧亚两地区高等教育的交流与合作。该计划由经费资助、技能培训和信息支持三部分组成,具体方式是增加教育人员的国际流动,开展人才培养和科学研究的合作。计划实施的效果良好,并具有很大吸引力,达到了互利“双赢”的目的。 Asia-Link Programme is organized and implemented by European Union (EU), which is attempted to promote the higher education communion and cooperation between EU and Asia. Programme is comprised of co-financing for partnership projects, capacity-building, and information-support. The actual activity is to increase the international mobility in higher education, so as to achieve the goal, which has a mutually benefited and “dual-win” effect, in the area of training talents and research cooperation.