作 者: ;
机构地区: 深圳信息职业技术学院应用英语系
出 处: 《徐特立研究(长沙师范专科学校学报)》 2006年第3期59-62,共4页
摘 要: 网络手段在教学中的普及,促生了网上交谈在英语课堂中的应用。通过实验数据对网络交谈和小组面谈的激励作用进行比较分析,表明前者的激励作用较强,明显更受学生欢迎;学生在网上交谈的分配和目标语的产出更为合理。因此,网上交谈可以作为英语教师组织课堂活动的一项有效补充。 Internet chat has been brought into EFL classrooms, as internet becomes prevailing in teaching. The present study compares the motivational power of internet chat and face-to-face discussions. Observation and data reveal that students are generally motivated to communicate in English using Internet chat. It is found student participation in online chat groups is more equitable and students prefer online chat to face-to-face chat. Based on these findings, we conclude that Internet can be used as an efficient medium to motivate students to use English.
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