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Dominant Plants and Their Heavy Metal Contents in Six Abandoned Lead-Zinc Mine Areas in Zhejiang Province

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 安徽师范大学生命科学学院

出  处: 《土壤》 2006年第5期591-597,共7页

摘  要: 对浙江境内6个典型的铅锌矿废弃地进行了优势植物调查和植物体重金属含量的定量分析。本次调查共记录到高等植物36种,隶属26属22科,共42个样品。植物中重金属含量高低顺序为Cu The dominant plants in six abandoned lead-zinc mine areas in Zhejiang Province were investigated and their heavy metal levels were analyzed. Based on this investigation, 36 species belonging to 26 genera and 22 families, in total 42 samples of higher plants were found growing on the abandoned lead-zinc mine areas. Bioconcentration factors of Cu, Zn and Pb were bush〉herbaceous, and that of Cd was herbaceous〉bush. It was found that the plants had different abilities of uptake and accumulation of Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd. Sedum bulbiferum, Sedum tetractinum and Sedum alfredii had high accumulation to Zn and Cd. And the Sedum bulbiferum had a hyper-accumulation level for Cd, Sedum tetractinum for Zn and Cd. In addition, Viola verecunda, Ixeris polycephala, Pueraria lobata had high accumulation abilities to Cd. Commelina communis, Mallotus apeltus, Erigeron annuus, Allium macrostemon and Dicranopteris dichotoma to Pb.

关 键 词: 铅锌矿 重金属 植物修复 超积累植物 富集系数

领  域: [生物学]


作者 黄雪夏
作者 袁云丽


机构 广东工业大学
机构 广州大学


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