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Profile Characteristics and Seasonal Variation of Dissolved Organic Matter in Hongfeng Lake,Guizhou

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国科学院地球化学研究所环境地球化学国家重点实验室

出  处: 《环境科学》 2006年第10期1979-1985,共7页

摘  要: 溶解有机氮(dissolved organic nitrogen,DON)与溶解有机碳(dissolved organic carbon,DOC)相结合在湖泊水体溶解有机质(dissolved organic matter,DOM)的研究中少有报道.本研究对贵州喀斯特地区高原性湖泊——红枫湖水体DOC和DON的含量进行了近2a的测定,研究了DOM的剖面特征和季节变化,并探讨了DOM垂向分布和季节变化的影响因素.结果表明,红枫湖DOC的浓度范围为1.60~3.08mg·L^-1,DON的浓度范围为0.10~0.37mg·L^-1.在湖水混合期表层和底层的DOC和DON的浓度基本一致,在湖水分层期DOC和DON浓度表现出从表层往底层减小的趋势.表层水体(0~2m或3m)DOC的浓度在春未夏初或夏季达到最大,DON的浓度在春末夏初稍高于其它月份结合叶绿素和降雨的数据分析认为,藻类活动和陆源输入直接导致了表层水体DOM的季节变化模式.DOM的C/N在一般情况下向下增大,但在夏季南湖的垂向水柱上,DOC和DON的浓度在12m以下增大,C/N从12m的18.1下降为14m的14.9,并向下持续减小,这很有可能是颗粒态有机质发生降解释放出C/N较低的DOM,成为水体内DOM的一个内源, Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) are rarely measured together when studying dissolved organic matter (DOM) in lake water. DOC and DON concentrations were measured for a Karst plateau lake Hongfeng Lake water for nearly two years. Profile characteristics and seasonal variation of dissolved organic matter were studied, and influencing factors were discussed. The results indicate that DOC concentration ranges from 1.60 mg·L^-1 to 3.08 mg· L^-1, DON ranges from 0.10 mg· L^-1 to 0.37 mg· L^-1 during studying period. DOC and DON concentrations change little from upper layer water to bottom during mixed periods, but show a general tendency for an upward increase during stratification periods. DOC concentration in the surface layer water(0--2 meters or 3 meters) of Hongfeng Lake is greatest from late spring to early summer or in summer, DON concentration is a little higher from late spring to early summer. Comparing the seasonal variation trend of DOC with that of chla and rainfall we draw a conclusion that the bioactivity of algae and DOM input from the watershed directly result in the seasonal variation mode of DOM in surface layer water. The C/N ratio of DOM generally increases with the increase of depth, but this trend changes at HF-S site in summer. At the depth of 12m, DOC and DON concentrations increase with the increase of depth; the C/N ratio of DOM decreases from 18.1 at the depth of 12m to 14.9 at the depth of 14m, and decreases continually with the increase of depth. A possible cause is the decomposition of POM, which forms an autochthonous source of DOM.

关 键 词: 溶解有机质 剖面特征 季节变化 红枫湖

领  域: [环境科学与工程]


作者 李鸣亮


机构 深圳信息职业技术学院


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