机构地区: 广州中医药大学继续教育学院
出 处: 《中医教育》 2006年第4期40-42,共3页
摘 要: 探讨在高等中医药院校教师中创建继续教育新机制,使高等中医药院校教师通过继续教育不断拓展知识结构,补充和更新知识,解决和弥补传统继续教育中学科设置与实际需要相脱节所带来的缺陷,从而全方位地提高高等中医药院校教师的整体素质和教学水平。 This paper aims to explore how to establish new system in colleges and universities of Chinese medicine for teachers to conduct extensive studies so that the teaching staff may further perfect their knowledge structure, obtain new knowledge and remedy the disadvantage brought by the disjoint between subject arrangement and practical needs. General standard and teaching level of the teachers are thus supposed to be raised in an all-round way.